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Volume 19, Issue 41 (12-2023)                   Marine Engineering 2023, 19(41): 14-25 | Back to browse issues page

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arbabi E, Abazari A. The effects of dimension, geometry and the modules’ orientation in a modular flap arrangement on the extracted power density of surge oscillating flap wave energy converter. Marine Engineering 2023; 19 (41) :14-25
URL: http://marine-eng.ir/article-1-1059-en.html
1- Chabahar Mritime Univeristy
2- Chabahar Maritime University
Abstract:   (904 Views)
The increase of world demand for energy and global warming challenges due to fossil oil are the reasons that motivate the researches for studying the renewable energy technologies. One of the clean renewable energy resources with high potential is ocean waves. Various type of wave energy converters have been suggested by researchers up to now. Flap type surge oscillating wave energy converter is one of those. In the present research, this WEC is simulated in Ansys Aqwa based on the potential flow and solution of Laplas equation. The hydrodynamic coefficients and excitation moment are calculated through frequency response analysis. Then these are used as inputs in Matlab software for solving of governing dynamic equations. The effects of variable optimum PTO damping and width, height of flap and flap geometry on the extracted power density are investigated. Furthermore, a new design of modular flap is proposed and the effect of modules’ orientation on the output power density is discussed.
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Type of Study: Research Paper | Subject: CFD
Received: 2023/09/20 | Accepted: 2024/01/7

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