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Volume 18, Issue 35 (5-2022)                   Marine Engineering 2022, 18(35): 77-87 | Back to browse issues page

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Eslamishahrbabaki N, Nekooei M, Ghodsi Hassanabad M. Exterior Reservoir as a Tuned Liquid Damper to Reduce Offshore Mono-Tower Displacement against Seismic Loads. Marine Engineering 2022; 18 (35) :77-87
URL: http://marine-eng.ir/article-1-912-en.html
1- Azad University of Science and Research Branch
Abstract:   (1643 Views)
The efficiency of an exterior reservoir as a Tuned Liquid Damper in controlling dynamic responses of offshore Mono-tower platforms under seismic loads has been investigated in present research. Hydrodynamic forces due to water surface movement in the reservoir act as resistant forces against structure displacement. In this research, using finite element software ANSYS utilizing transient module, a mono-tower structure having dimensions matched to the samples in the Persian Gulf climate with an exterior tank at the top, was modeled and then analyzed by transient time history method subjected to the records of three earthquake for seismic loads. The external damper tank is modeled by Solid85 and Fluid80 element employed as inside water to reflect the displacement of the fluid inside the tank. Top displacement of the mono-tower platform with and without TLD were compared and generally show that using mentioned exterior reservoir as a TLD reduced structure response more than 50 percent.
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Type of Study: Research Paper | Subject: Offshore Structure
Received: 2021/12/13 | Accepted: 2022/05/16

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