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Volume 19, Issue 41 (12-2023)                   Marine Engineering 2023, 19(41): 74-84 | Back to browse issues page

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Balouei A, Ghanbari J. A novel bio-inspired design for flexible risers to increase its nonlinear buckling capacity under external pressure. Marine Engineering 2023; 19 (41) :74-84
URL: http://marine-eng.ir/article-1-1054-en.html
1- Qom University of Technology
Abstract:   (666 Views)
Flexible risers are one of the crucial pieces of equipment for moving the output fluid from the well to the platform during the extraction of oil and gas from deep sea resources. One of the causes of collapse in these pipes is the high hydrostatic pressure that is applied to the riser in deep water. Its innermost layer, known as the carcass, is the layer that plays the most significant role in the resistance to external pressure. This article uses the finite element method to investigate the collapse (non-linear buckling) of the riser under pressure from the outside. A new design that draws inspiration from the structure of a beetle's exoskeleton has been presented to increase the load capacity of the carcass layer. This type of beetle's skeleton is constructed in such a way that it creates a strong connection between various parts of the external skeleton to produce high strength against external pressures while still allowing for the necessary movement flexibility. To assess how well the new design performs in comparison to the original, nonlinear buckling of the new structure under external pressure has been examined. The critical pressure in the new design is increased compared to the old design.
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Type of Study: Research Paper | Subject: Offshore Structure
Received: 2023/08/13 | Accepted: 2024/01/23

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