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Volume 15, Issue 29 (4-2019)                   Marine Engineering 2019, 15(29): 25-38 | Back to browse issues page

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Marashian S M, Adjami M, Rezaee Mazyak A. Numerical Simulation of Wave Overtopping Over Composite Berm Breakwater . Marine Engineering 2019; 15 (29) :25-38
URL: http://marine-eng.ir/article-1-702-en.html
1- Shahrood University of Technology
2- Tarbiat Modares University
Abstract:   (4842 Views)
Breakwaters have changed a lot during their design history. Overtopping is an important parameter that its evaluation and reduction has always been noticed. In this study, the wave overtopping of composite berm breakwater as a new conceptual structure has been investigated numerical modeling was performed using FLOW-3D software. Then, based on  a laboratory model conducted by Losada et al, calibration and verification was done for our numerical model. After numerical model  performance confidence, composite berm breakwater was designed in three types. The wave overtopping of the composite berm breakwater was analysed  and compared with rubble mound and horizontally caisson breakwaters. The results show a decrease of 84.01% of the overtopping in the composit berm breakwater compared to the rubble mound breakwater. Also, the overtopping in the composite berm breakwater had a 61.42% reduction compared to the horizontal caisson breakwater.
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Type of Study: Research Paper | Subject: Marine Structures and near shore
Received: 2018/11/30 | Accepted: 2019/05/14

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