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Volume 15, Issue 30 (1-2020)                   Marine Engineering 2020, 15(30): 41-51 | Back to browse issues page

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Jamal-Omidi M, Nabavi S M, Parsania A H P. The Repair of Circumferential Through-Wall Cracked Pipe by Using Local Composite Patch. Marine Engineering 2020; 15 (30) :41-51
URL: http://marine-eng.ir/article-1-687-en.html
1- Malek-Ashtar University of Technology
Abstract:   (4304 Views)
In this paper, the effect of composite patch on cylindrical pipe with circumferential through-wall crack has been investigated under internal pressure. For this purpose, using three-dimensional finite element and J-integral, stress intensity factors is determined before and after the repair. In order to ensure the accuracy of modeling, a pipe with circumferential through-wall crack under uniform tension load is simulated and the results are compared with theoretical data. Then, the cracking cylinder is repaired using four composite patches of Boron/Epoxy, Carbon/Epoxy, Kevlar/Epoxy and Glass/Epoxy in a local manner. The results of study are shown the significant effect of composite patches on reducing the stress intensity factor of cracked cylinder. It is observed that the use of composite patches with higher stiffness has a more decreasing effect on stress intensity factor. Also, the effect of composite patch, properties and thickness of adhesive on stress intensity factors along crack front is evaluated.
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Type of Study: Research Paper | Subject: Offshore Structure
Received: 2018/09/21 | Accepted: 2019/11/2

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