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Volume 20, Issue 42 (4-2024)                   Marine Engineering 2024, 20(42): 79-87 | Back to browse issues page

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kiani J. Identifying the obstacles to installing and using the buoyancy tracking system in the Maritime borders. Marine Engineering 2024; 20 (42) :79-87
URL: http://marine-eng.ir/article-1-1109-en.html
1- Assistant Professor of Department of Border Guarding, Amin Comprehensive Police University
Abstract:   (478 Views)
In order to monitor and supervise the performance of the country's maritime transport fleet and to create security and prevent violations in the country's waters, the installation of vessel tracking systems on vessels has been on the agenda of the Faraja Border Guard Command since 2013. The research was carried out with the aim of "Identifying the obstacles of maritime units in installing and using the buoyancy tracking system in the Maritime borders". The research is applied in terms of purpose and based on the nature and method of data collection among the qualitative research that has been conducted with the thematic analysis method. The findings of the research showed that the most important obstacles to the installation and use of the buoyancy tracking system include 17 issues including external and internal obstacles. External organizational barriers include; The Ports and Maritime Organization's lack of interest in requiring commercial vessels to install a buoyancy tracking system, the lack of supervision, and the fear of owners of recreational-fishing-commercial vessels from being observed by the Navy and internal obstacles include; The lack of persuasion of the owners of the vessels by the relevant authorities were, in particular, the many disadvantages and problems in the navigation of the buoyancy system and its lack of support.
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Type of Study: Research Paper | Subject: Main Engine & Electrical Equipments
Received: 2024/04/22 | Accepted: 2024/06/3

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