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Volume 19, Issue 41 (12-2023)                   Marine Engineering 2023, 19(41): 134-141 | Back to browse issues page

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kiani J, Jafari H. The effect of using new vessels on the security of the borders of the Caspian Sea. Marine Engineering 2023; 19 (41) :134-141
URL: http://marine-eng.ir/article-1-1098-en.html
1- Assistant Professor of the Department of Border Patrol, Amin University of Law and Order Sciences
2- - Master's student in the field of border guarding sciences and techniques
Abstract:   (408 Views)
After the collapse of the Soviet :union:, the Caspian Sea has become a place of competition between newly independent countries, and the quantitative and qualitative increase of modern sea vessels has been one of the actions of these countries. This research is applied in terms of purpose, descriptive in terms of nature, and survey type in terms of the method of collecting and analyzing information. The obtained data has been analyzed in SPSS software platform. The findings of the research show that there is a significant relationship between the level and class of vessels, the quantity and number of vessels, the equipment and facilities of vessels and the improvement of the security of the borders of the Caspian Sea in Mazandaran province. The obtained results show that the Islamic Republic of Iran had the lowest growth rate of military and security expenses in the matter of navigation among the five countries on the shores of the Caspian Sea, while Russia has the best navigation vessels, equipment and facilities and can It should be a good example for the Islamic Republic of Iran in strengthening the buoyancy of the coast guard and the way of controlling and monitoring the Caspian sea borders.
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Type of Study: Research Paper | Subject: Main Engine & Electrical Equipments
Received: 2024/02/9 | Accepted: 2024/03/18

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