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Volume 19, Issue 41 (12-2023)                   Marine Engineering 2023, 19(41): 26-41 | Back to browse issues page

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sadaghi S, Hajmomeni A, Nemati M. Study on the impact of Anzali transverse jetty on the pattern of flood flows and passage of lagoon originated sediments through the port. Marine Engineering 2023; 19 (41) :26-41
URL: http://marine-eng.ir/article-1-1055-en.html
1- Faculty member, Road, Housing & Urban Development Research Center
2- Independent Researcher
3- Ports and Maritime Organization
Abstract:   (903 Views)
Anzali port is one of the three major ports on the northern coasts of the country, equipped with multiple berths, suitable water depth, and spacious yard, providing adequate facilities for serving various commercial, oil, passenger, fishing, and military vessels. The port was originally built at the mouth of rivers connected to the Anzali wetland, and as a result, it has always been exposed to incoming sediments from the wetland, necessitating continuous dredging operations. In recent years, due to a significant decrease in the Caspian Sea water level and an increase in the volume of sediment originating from upstream conditions of the wetland, the amount of lagoon-originated sediments in the port has increased. Suggestions have been made to remove the transverse jetty (jetty No. 10) in order to facilitate the passage of sediments through the port channel and prevent their deposition in the basin. In this article, the impact of the transverse jetty on sediment passage through the port and the sedimentation pattern is investigated using mathematical simulations. The results indicate that the removal of the transverse jetty only has local effects on flow velocity and sediment deposition within the port, without altering the overall patterns in the port. The volume of sediment entering and exiting the port will not undergo a significant change with the removal of the transverse jetty.
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Type of Study: Research Paper | Subject: Offshore Hydrodynamic
Received: 2023/09/3 | Accepted: 2024/01/10

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