Volume 18, Issue 36 (12-2022)                   Marine Engineering 2022, 18(36): 32-41 | Back to browse issues page

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1- Chabahar Maritime university
2- Chabahar Maritime University
Abstract:   (1308 Views)
The main purpose of this paper is to investigate the stochastic roll motion of a ship in irregular waves. To achieve this goal, the differential equation of ship roll motion roll in longitudinal waves with respect to nonlinear damping and restoring arm has been created. Due to the stochastic nature of sea waves, the wave excitation force is generated through stochastic excitation using effective wave theory. To achieve the ship roll motion response, the stochastic differential equation of the roll is converted to the Ito’s stochastic differential equation form. The generated equation is solved several times using the Monte Carlo process to statistically evaluate the roll motion response. Finally, the probability distribution function of the ship's roll motion at irregular waves is calculated for the C11 container ship as a sample ship. Using these results, a better approximation of the maximum angle of roll motion of a ship in irregular waves can be obtained.
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Type of Study: Research Paper | Subject: Ship Hydrodynamic
Received: 2022/06/20 | Accepted: 2022/10/3

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