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Volume 14, Issue 28 (1-2019)                   Marine Engineering 2019, 14(28): 65-75 | Back to browse issues page

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honarmand M, honaryar A, ghiasi M. Hydrodynamic Numerical Analysis of Wave Pattern Due to the Motion of Suboff 5470 Underwater Vehicle Near the Free Surface . Marine Engineering 2019; 14 (28) :65-75
URL: http://marine-eng.ir/article-1-659-en.html
1- University of Isfahan
2- Amirkabir University of Technology
Abstract:   (4562 Views)
The wave pattern generated by motion of autonomous underwater vehicle (AUV) near the water free surface is one of the significant factors in order to identify the AUV. In this research, firstly simulating the flow with constant velocity around the Wigley hull body by using Flow 3D computational fluid dynamics software has been carried out. In this stage, the numerical simulation results were compared with experimental datasets. The validity of Flow 3D software in estimating of wave pattern generated by the rigid obstacle which sets in the flow path was investigated. Then, the wave pattern due to the motion of Suboff 5470 AUV at different depths, moreover, the lift and drag forces applied on the AUV body were investigated. The results reveal that in constant depth of AUV motion, when the speed of AUV is increasing from 1.3 to 6.5 m/s, the drag and lift forces are increasing up to 57.17 and 48.97 percent respectively. Also the wave pattern generated by motion of autonomous underwater vehicle (AUV) near the water free surface is kelvin wave pattern with divergent and transverse waves system.
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Type of Study: Research Paper | Subject: Submarine Hydrodynamic & Design
Received: 2018/03/13 | Accepted: 2019/02/13

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