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1- University of Tehran
2- professor Tehran University
Abstract:   (205 Views)
Offshore gas pipelines used in the 12th phase of South Pars Project generally have a small pipe (Piggyback Pipeline) mounted on the main pipe. The task of this small pipe is to transfer MEG (anti-corrosion) materials from Onshore to Platform. Because of their small size, Piggyback Pipelines are exposed to the damages caused by being dragged by the anchors of fishing and/or operational vessels. The main objective of this research is to assess the pressure capacity of small pipelines (prior to becoming torn) and to investigate the ultimate capacity before rupture.
To solve the problem, a three dimensional non-linear dynamic model of the real sample is simulated in ABAQUS software. 27 models are analyzed, where an anchor is hooked to a pipeline and drags it vertically to a specific height and then releases it. Eventually an equation is presented to determine the relation between pipeline remaining capacity and vertical displacement.
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Type of Study: Research Paper | Subject: Offshore Structure
Received: 2024/01/15 | Accepted: 2024/08/11

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