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Volume 17, Issue 33 (5-2021)                   Marine Engineering 2021, 17(33): 53-64 | Back to browse issues page

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Seif M S, Hasanvand A. Investigating the geometry and control surface of AUV robots on hydrodynamics performance. Marine Engineering 2021; 17 (33) :53-64
URL: http://marine-eng.ir/article-1-856-en.html
1- Mechanical Engineering Department, Sharif University of technology
Abstract:   (2929 Views)
Underwater equipment is a set of marine equipment used for purposes such as exploration, drilling, submarine cabling, maintenance and repair of offshore structures, and military applications. In this research, we try to provide a suitable background for the conceptual design of AUV robots by considering the common geometries for hull design. Using MATLAB software, software has been prepared that provides the user with a practical concept design based on the user's basic information. In this software, In this software, the widely used body series DARPA Suboff, Series 58, Myring and DRDC are included so that the user can use the mentioned bodies for design according to his style. The results of this program are calculation of hydrodynamic coefficients and simulation of maneuvers, design of propulsion system, structural strength study and geometric calculations of AUV, which based on designed program have been tried to be in the appropriate and optimal range. The principle of this study is an operational and applied perspective. Based on the results of the algorithm, a more desirable geometry can be selected for different conditions to design the geometric form of the AUVchr('39')s hull.
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Type of Study: Research Paper | Subject: Submarine Hydrodynamic & Design
Received: 2020/09/11 | Accepted: 2021/03/13

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