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Volume 14, Issue 28 (1-2019)                   Marine Engineering 2019, 14(28): 11-20 | Back to browse issues page

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mehralizadeh H, makarchian M. Investigation of Load- Penetration Behavior of Spudcan Foundations in Single- Layered Clayey Soils. Marine Engineering 2019; 14 (28) :11-20
URL: http://marine-eng.ir/article-1-667-en.html
1- Bu-Ali Sina University
Abstract:   (4526 Views)
Using spudcan as foundations for jack-up rigs is usual. Model dimensions, consolidation of clay, and spudcan penetration are the most important issues in modelling of this type of foundations in clays. Penetration of CPT cones and spudcan foundations in single- layered clayey soils was investigated in this paper. Cement stabilized clay with 5 and 10 percent cement was used to study the effect of undrained shear strength of clay on load- penetration behavior of spudcan; Also, two CPT cones with different diameters were used to estimate the undrained shear strength of clay layers. Results show that cement stabilized clays can be used for modelling of clay layers with different strengths. However, careful attention should be paid for changing of bearing capacity factors in two cases, with or without cement. Results show that cones with smaller diameters can be used in physical modelling with good accuracy as well as conventional ones.
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Type of Study: Research Paper | Subject: Offshore Structure
Received: 2018/05/12 | Accepted: 2018/11/20

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