Jafarzadeh E, Ayyoubzadeh S A, Montazeri Namin M, Bouhloly A. Simulation of Sediment Transport behind Anzali Breakwater with the purpose of Comparison of Iranian PMO Dynamics Software and MIKE 21. Marine Engineering 2015; 10 (20) :39-49
1- Tarbiat Modares University
2- Tehran University
3- Namrood Company
Abstract: (8732 Views)
Construction of ports and coastal structures actually affects the coastal flow pattern and results in the changing of the sedimentation pattern. The research carried out in this paper, aims to simulate sedimentation process following the construction of the Bandar-e Anzali New Breakwaters at the site, using Iranian developed PMO hydrodynamics and well known MIKE21 modeling package developed by DHI. These two models utilize different mesh technique to solve the governing flow hydrodynamics and transport equations. So to compare the results obtained from these two models, sensitivity analysis and calibration procedures using field data were undertaken firstly. Then wave propagation pattern of waves with heights of 0.5, 1 and 1.5 m in the spectral wave module (SW), long shore currents in the hydrodynamic module (HD) and sediment transport simulation in the sediment transport module (SD) have been considered using both models. Various statistical parameters were obtained and the results showed good agreement between the two mentioned models with at least 90% correlation coefficient in all cases. Furthermore, the study showed acceptable results can be obtained by center point mesh-type technique using PMO Dynamics model with much easier calculation procedures that reduces the computation time significantly even by a factor of 4.
Type of Study:
Research Paper |
Marine Structures and near shore Received: 2014/07/7 | Accepted: 2015/01/13
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