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Volume 20, Issue 42 (4-2024)                   Marine Engineering 2024, 20(42): 24-35 | Back to browse issues page

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Hakimelahi N, Bayat M, Ajalloeian R, Nadi B. Effect of Woven Geotextile and Geogrid on Mechanical Properties and Deformation Behavior of Kish Carbonate Sand. Marine Engineering 2024; 20 (42) :24-35
URL: http://marine-eng.ir/article-1-1060-en.html
1- Department of Civil Engineering, Najafabad Branch, Islamic Azad University, Najafabad, Iran.
2- Department of Geology, Faculty of Science, University of Isfahan, Isfahan, Iran.
Abstract:   (469 Views)
Carbonate sands are among the potential material sources for marine engineering constructions. However, the brittleness and large deformations created in these sands can affect the stability of marine structures built on these soils. Today, geosynthetics are used to reinforce and increase the strength of these soils. CD triaxial tests were conducted under different confining pressure values to compare the mechanical and deformation properties of reinforced and unreinforced calcareous sand. The influences of configuration of reinforcing layers, confining pressure, relative density, and type of woven geotextile have been evaluated. The results show that compared to the unreinforced carbonate sand, the strength of the reinforced samples increases markedly, and the deviatoric stress-strain curves change from slight softening to hardening and dilatancy. Compared to unreinforced calcareous sand specimens, the strength of reinforced specimens significantly increased such that this growth reached 100% in some specimens with low confining pressure. Also, by increasing the number of geotextile and geogrid layers and applying a confining pressure, the shear deformation shifts toward strain-hardening behavior. dilative behavior of the specimens increases with an increase in the relative density of the specimens. The results showed that the influence of the number of layers and arrangement of geosynthetics on the mechanical behavior and deformation of triaxial specimens decreases with increasing the confining pressure. The amount of strength increase in reinforced specimens at low confining pressure is relatively high and tends to decrease with increasing the confining pressure. Overall, woven geotextile and geogrid significantly improve the apparent cohesion strength of carbonate sand soil. Woven geotextile and geogrid, relative density, and confining pressure all contribute to volumetric changes and dilatancy of reinforced specimens, but particle breakage is more affected by confining pressure. Finally, the results showed that geogrid has a better performance in reinforcement than geotextile.
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Type of Study: Research Paper | Subject: Marine Structures and near shore
Received: 2023/09/25 | Accepted: 2024/04/18

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