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Aims & Scopes


This journal aims to provide a medium for presentation and discussion of the latest progresses in the field of maritime structures, from the viewpoints of research, design, fabrication and in-service experience.


IJMT is a peer reviewed journal which covers areas related to maritime technology such as Offshore Engineering; Naval Architecture; Marine Structural Mechanics; Safety and Reliability; Materials; Pipelines and Risers; Polar and Arctic Engineering; Computational Fluid Dynamics; Vortex Induced Vibrations; Port and Waterfront Design and Engineering; Linear and Nonlinear Wave Mechanics; Hydrodynamics; Fluid-Structure Interaction; Cable, Mooring, Buoy Technology; Underwater Technology; Geotechnology; Foundation Engineering; Ocean Mining; Coastal Engineering; Marine Renewable Energy; Aquacultural Engineering; Instrumentation; Full-Scale measurements; Model Tests; Satellite Observations; Marine Environmental Engineering; Stochastic Processes; Hydroelasticity, Subsea Engineering; Fluid Mechanics; Ocean Acoustics, Oceanographical Engineering; Computational Methods/Numerical Analysis; Shore Protection; beach nourishment; sediment transport; Risk and Limit State Design and Assessment; Ship Manoeuvring; Seakeeping and Control Systems; and Ship Resistance and Propulsion.

Papers submitted to the journal must be original and will be refereed to a high standard. They may include new research findings, together with developments in design methodology and fabrication techniques. Constructive state-of-the-art reviews are also welcome. The journal will also include technical notes in the field.

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International Journal of Maritime Technology is licensed under a

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